Explore our series of action guides designed to support and inform education leaders.

AIR has long been a partner with state, district, and school leaders throughout the United States. Our teams have provided support throughout many of the major educational shifts that have occurred throughout the nation at the federal and state levels for more than 50 years.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, reauthorizing the decades-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and shifting power and responsibility for policy to the states. AIR experts have long provided evidence-based perspectives on ESSA’s implications, including its impact on special populations of students.

Explore the resources on this page, or browse them by topic.

State and school district leaders, whether relative newcomers to ESSA or entrenched in implementation, will find detailed information on states’ ...
Signed into law in 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a commitment by Congress and the U.S. Department ...
To establish an education-to-workforce pipeline, state leaders need to align labor market efforts with the education pipeline to ensure a ...
This series of two webinars, co-hosted by the Minnesota Department of Education and the Midwest Comprehensive Center, provides participants with ...