Webinar Series: Evidence-Based Practices Under ESSA

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that at least one improvement practice in schools identified for comprehensive (CSI), targeted (TSI), or additional targeted (ATSI) supports be based on rigorous research. The tiers of evidence for meeting this threshold are laid out in federal guidance but can be challenging to unpack and apply.

This series of two webinars, co-hosted by the Minnesota Department of Education and the Midwest Comprehensive Center, provides participants with an understanding of the research concepts embedded in the minimum requirements for CSI, TSI, and ATSI schools to help schools select evidence-based practices for their improvement plans.

Webinar 1: Identifying Evidence-Based Practices that Meet Requirements for Low-Performing Schools


  • Share overview of the ESSA evidence tiers
  • Discuss minimum requirements for meeting evidence Tier 3
  • Provide flags for identifying elements of research studies that meet Tier 3
  • Expose participants to resources for quickly identifying Tier 3 EBPs

Slides (PDF)

Webinar 2: Mastering Online Resources for Identifying Evidence Tiers and Evidence-Based Practices


  • Build on knowledge of Tier 3 to learn how to identify EBPs meeting Tiers 1 and 2
  • Understand how to navigate the What Works Clearinghouse to identify EBPs for all tiers
  • Understand how other clearinghouses align with the ESSA tiers

Slides (PDF)