Project evaluation is a vital component of any research of technical assistance project. Evaluators are typical individuals or organizations that do not participate in the day-to-day operations of the project, but rather monitor project progress from an external perspective. Evaluators serve as critical but supportive colleagues to the project team and provide feedback about strengths of project work and areas to improve.

CS@AIR has a diverse portfolio of evaluation work in the computer science education space. Our projects span from designing and implementing studies as part of research funded by the U.S. Department of Education to helping state governments determine the effectiveness of funding for CS education.

Evaluation of the Educator Workforce Investment Grant in Computer Science

participants in Season of CS event looking at laptop together

Through the Educator Workforce Investment Grant in Computer Science (EWIG: CS), the state of California has funded a statewide effort designed to increase educator capacity to deliver computer science education with an equity focus. AIR has partnered with the EWIG: CS lead agencies to serve as the external evaluator for the grant.


Computer Science Teacher Professional Development Passport Alliance

With support from the National Science Foundation, AIR is partnering with the Computer Science Teachers Association and the Institute for Advancing Computing Education to create the Computer Science Teacher Professional Development Passport Alliance. The alliance seeks to address challenges in understanding the unique number and characteristics of PreK-12 CS teachers who have participated in CS professional development.

Girls Who Code Impact Evaluation Study

Although women’s participation in STEM fields has increased during the last 30 years, women remain underrepresented in the computer science field and their participation has declined since 1995. In an effort to address gender disparities in the computer science field and promote diversity in the CS pipeline, Girls Who Code offers two free virtual summer programs specifically designed for female and nonbinary high school students. AIR partnered with Girls Who Code to conduct an independent evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs.


Exploring Computer Science Fellows 2.0

Computer science teacher with young student

In partnership with Teach For America (TFA) and the University of Oregon, AIR is implementing a multiyear project focused on understanding how to recruit teachers of color. The project supports the teachers in navigating obstacles and advocating for computer science instruction in their schools, and helps them create equitable computer science learning environments.


PAsmart Grant Evaluation

AIR is evaluating PAsmart grants aimed at expanding educator access to CS professional development across the Commonwealth. Working with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN), AIR is using a mixed methods approach to identify potential PAsmart grant impacts and provide formative feedback for future grant administrations.


Computer science teacher with high school student

Expanding and Strengthening the STEM Teacher Workforce Through UTeach

The goal of UTeach at the University of Texas at Austin is to increase the numbers of highly qualified STEM teachers in high-needs schools by expanding preparation pathways, and to broaden participation of underrepresented students in high-needs schools through evidence-based professional development of in-service teachers. Learn more about the original work and its extension study.


Equity in AP Computer Science Principles with (EIR)’s Equity in AP Computer Science program aims to improve enrollment and outcomes in AP Computer Science for high school students who are historically underrepresented in the field, including women, minorities, and rural populations. AIR is using qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the outcomes of’s equity-focused outreach, recruitment, and blended learning programs for school administrators, counselors, and computer science teachers.


The Pack with New York Hall of Science (EIR)

The Pack intervention, developed by New York Hall of Science, supports students’ discovery of core computational thinking skills, including problem decomposition, algorithmic naming and sequencing, debugging, parallel programming, and design pattern identification. The digital app comprises an open-world digital game, a supplemental computational thinking curriculum for integration into 6th–8th grade science courses, professional development activities, and online communities of practice. AIR is testing the implementation and impact of The Pack program in 54 Title 1 schools in New York City using a randomized control trial.


Lone Star AP Computer Science Principles with National Math and Science Initiative (EIR)

The Lone Star AP Computer Science Principles course, a project of the National Math and Science Initiative, primarily provides professional development for teachers of this course and supports for their students and schools. AIR is designing and implementing an evaluation to enhance student access to and success in the three-year program. The evaluation includes studies of impact and of implementation.


Mathways to STEM Success with IDEA Public Schools (EIR)

AIR is partnering with IDEA Public Schools to conduct a rigorous evaluation of its Mathways to STEM Success initiative. The evaluation will provide IDEA with timely and actionable formative feedback essential for monitoring and improving program implementation. The evaluation will conduct separate analyses of the effectiveness of each component of the initiative: the AP computer science support program, mathematics curriculum redesign, and Work-Study High School.

Joey Wilson
Managing Director
Katie Rich
Senior Researcher
Ryan Torbey