Center on Advancing Measurement and Assessment
We are committed to improving measurement and assessment to maximize opportunities for all young people and adults to learn and thrive.
Center experts use well-established approaches to measurement and assessment from a broad range of projects across AIR’s Human Services and Health Divisions. These projects provide essential guidance on measure development, validation, and interpretation in future work.
This is a curated collection of AIR projects that have made important progress in the measurement and assessment field. The center collaborates with other involved groups and centers at AIR, including the Data Science group and Center for Process Data.
Whole-Child Development
We have extensive experience developing measures that support clients in gathering and using data to inform policy and practice in social emotional learning, school climate, youth development, and civics education.
Youth Development Measurement Lab at AIR
Center experts partner with organizations that support youth to provide measurement and customization services and to support using data in reports, tools, action planning, and goal setting.
Nevada School Climate / Social Emotional Learning Survey
Center experts work directly with Nevada districts and schools to support school climate survey efforts. AIR provides survey reports, a peer matching tool, and a detailed interactive data tool that shows subgroups’ results and trends.
The Potential of Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) to Transform Education Systems
The SoLD initiative grew out of a partnership including AIR, Education Counsel, The Opportunity Institute, Learning Policy Institute (LPI), Turnaround for Children, and Populace. Each organization committed to improving equity and outcomes for all students, particularly for students how have been and continue to be underserved by our education system. The partnership aimed to work at all levels of the system and leverage their collective expertise and influence to identify and promote research, practices, and policies that are aligned to and advance the science of learning and development. An overarching goal of all SoLD partnerships, projects, and practices is to support the effective learning, educational attainment, and positive development of all children.
Standards and Accountability Systems
We have developed high-quality, cohesive and comprehensive standards-based systems to support equitable teaching and learning outcomes for all students.
The Impact of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Designation in Multiple Measure ESSA Accountability Systems
Center experts are studying CSI Schools to understand student outcomes and best policies and practices.
Large-Scale Surveys and Assessments
We have decades of experience supporting large-scale surveys and assessment tracking patterns and trends in domestic and international education, through data processing, analytics, reporting, and dissemination.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Center experts support the NAEP program in ensuring it remains a valid, reliable, and useful source of information on patterns and trends in the academic achievement of American youth.
International Comparisons in Education
Center experts provide technical and analytical support for U.S. participation in TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS, and PIAAC, including consultation and management support; support on survey and item development; technical review of statistical reports, data files and data documentation; expert analysis; technical support for the development of web-based data tools and other products; and training external researchers to use internal assessment data files and other survey resources.
Teaching and Learning Environments
We work closely with international, federal, and state clients to develop, use, and analyze measures for teaching and learning conditions.
Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)
Center experts support the administration of TALIS in the United States by aiding technical support for the creation of web-based data tools and technical review of statistical reports, data files, and data documentation.
AIR's Teaching Conditions Survey
Center experts work with colleagues at AIR's Center on Great Teachers and Leaders to understand and collect data on teacher satisfaction, retention, and conditions.
Personalized and Competency-Based Learning
We develop and utilize innovative methods to improve measurement and implement assessment processes that provide credible, useful data to inform decision making.
Study of Deeper Learning: Opportunities and Outcomes
Center experts develop and utilize innovative methods to improve measurement and implement assessment processes that provide credible, useful data to inform decision making.
Postsecondary Competency-Based Education (CBE)
Center experts led a national research collaborative dedicated to building evidence on CBE, conducted a national survey to better understand adoption and perception of CBE, researched the efficacy of CBE, and provided tools to support research, evaluation, and continuous improvement efforts.
Workforce Development
We have decades of experience developing professional certification and skills assessments, including test development, test updates, and norming to ensure the fairness, validity, and security of assessments.
Electrical Training ALLIANCE
Through a long-term partnership with the electrical training alliance, center experts have conducted job analyses, test development, test norming, and transportability analyses.
Practice Analysis for Certified Public Accountants
Center experts collaborated with the American Institute for Certified Public Accountants to make changes to the test blueprint of the Uniform CPA Exam and update the organization’s practice analysis.
Maryland College and Career Readiness Empirical Study
Center experts collaborated with the Maryland Department of Education to conduct an empirical study of Maryland's College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards. The study included a predictive validity analysis and a content and standards alignment analysis.
Measurement Methodology
We develop and use innovative methods to improve measurement and implement assessment processes that provide credible, useful data to inform decision making.
Center for Process Data
The Center for Process Data, with NCES, is working to maximize the potential of process data to deepen our understanding of student behavior and assessment engagement; to inform decisions on assembly, development, and operations; and to analyze and report data. Process data maximizes the power of assessment results to better understand what the nation’s students know and can do. Through this work, the Center for Process Data has used its explorations of process data to shed light on patterns of students’ test-taking behaviors and to expand current knowledge of students’ use of universal design (UD) features and assessment tool use.