Center for Economic Evaluation | Projects

We are committed to rigorous and transparent economic analyses that generate evidence-based insights for more effective systems, policies, and practices.

Three people discussing graphs on a board.


Center experts leverage rigorous, high-quality approaches to economic evaluation from a broad cross-section of projects across AIR’s divisions. We work in close collaboration with clients to gather and use rigorous evidence about cost implications and impacts.  

Explore this curated collection of AIR projects that have benefitted from the Center’s economic evaluation services by offering clients reliable, actionable insights about the costs and impacts of a policy, program, or practice.  Learn more about our projects related to:


Person presenting in a conference room

Cost Analysis

North Carolina Alternative Market Rate Model Study

Researchers from AIR's Center for Economic Evaluation and Early Childhood practice area supported the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) in developing new cost-based models through which to set child care subsidy rates. The project included reviews of subsidy structures in other states and other industries (e.g., health care and agriculture) as well as innovative funding mechanisms used throughout the country to support child care.  AIR provided DCDEE with an interactive and updatable cost estimation tool to inform the state's decisions going forward.

Out-of-School Time Cost Study

With funding from the Wallace Foundation, AIR is using state-of-the-field methods for determining Out-of-School Time (OST) programs to develop timely cost estimates for model and existing OST programs, as well as the funding needed to operate these programs. 

Transition to Full-Day Kindergarten in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

AIR worked with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to investigate the impacts and costs associated with part-day kindergarten programs transitioning to full-day programs.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Network to Transform Teaching Project

Through a partnership with the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards AIR performed a cost study of the efforts of five sites of its networked learning community (Network to Transform Teaching) to recruit and support teachers to obtain national board certification.  

TXT4College Cost Study

AIR investigated the costs associated with the use of text messaging systems aimed at increasing community college student enrollment and persistence in Kentucky, Arizona, Alabama, and New Mexico.

Cost Study of the Duke Endowment Summer Literacy Initiative

AIR led a study of the costs associated with a summer literacy program held in rural North Carolina churches.

Two people looking at data on a laptop

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL)

AIR evaluated the cost-effectiveness of the Spanish-language reconstruction of Reading Recovery known as Descubriendo la Lectura.

Cost Analysis of the Simulated Instruction in Mathematics Professional Development Study (SIM PD Study)

AIR researchers are analyzing the costs associated with a new professional development program as part of the Simulated Instruction in Mathematics Study (SIM PD) to capture systematically all personnel and non-personnel costs for implementing the intervention. 

MyTeachingPartner-Secondary (MTP-S) Cost Study

Conducted as part of an impact evaluation of a scaled-up version of the MyTeachingPartner-Secondary instructional coaching program, this cost study found that the MTP-S program cost approximately $13,648 per teacher over a two year intervention, resulting in an estimated cost of $55 per student.  


AIR implemented a multi-site, clustered randomized trail to assess the impact of the ASSISTments program across culturally and geographically diverse settings. 

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Cost-Benefit Analysis

Dual-Credit Education Programs in Texas

AIR undertook an in-depth study of the costs and benefits of dual-credit high school programs in Texas, which allow students to take courses that simultaneously award high school and college credits to students who enroll in college-level coursework.

Evaluating the Impact of Early College High Schools

AIR conducted a rigorous investigation of the costs and benefits associated with 10 Early College High Schools across 5 states that allow students to earn college credit while pursuing a high school diploma.

Evaluation of the Medical Legal Partnership Program

AIR is performing an analysis of the return-on-investment of the efforts of the New York City Legal Aid Society (LAS) Medical Legal Partnership (MLP). The MLP is an initiative that evaluates the special education needs of students who are being treated clinically for mental health issues. The LAS provides appropriate legal support and advocacy to families navigating the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process.