Spotlight on School Turnaround
Better schools help make better communities and improve students’ chances of success. But what does research tell us about what works in school improvement? Explore what our researchers are learning about turning around struggling schools.
Race to the Top: Implementation and Relationship to Student Outcomes
This final report examines how receipt of Race to the Top grants relates to student achievement over time, especially for high-need students, including English language learners.
School Redesign Grants in Massachusetts
This impact study found that the disbursement of federal Title I School Improvement Grants in the process designed by the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education have consistently positive effects on student academic achievement.
The Research to Practice Connection in School Improvement
In these podcast episodes from the Education Policy Center, Kerstin Carlson LeFloch and Catherine Barbour discuss what research tells us about best practices in school improvement. How can teachers and leaders work together to support school improvement? What are three critical components of school improvement?
State Support Network
The State Support Network, a new, four-year technical assistance effort, is focused on supporting state and district efforts to achieve significant improvements in student outcomes, scale up effective systemic approaches and practices within and across states and districts, and identify and share effective practices to facilitate learning from states, districts, and others to support school improvement.
Study of School Turnaround
Our nation’s lowest performing schools have traditionally struggled to offer students the instruction and supports they deeply need. The U.S. Department of Education has invested substantial funds in turning them around. In a three-year study, AIR examined how schools receiving federal school improvement grants changed over time.
Case Studies of Schools Receiving School Improvement Grants: Final Report
Three Things We Learned from the Study of School Turnaround (blog post)