Mentoring & Induction Toolkit 2.0: Supporting Teachers in Underserved Contexts

The GTL Center’s Mentoring and Induction Toolkit is a ready-to-use resource for states working closely with districts to build strong mentoring and induction programs. The purpose of the GTL Center’s Mentoring and Induction Toolkit is to give regional comprehensive centers (RCCs) and state education agencies (SEAs) tools, resources, and support to facilitate meaningful conversations with local education agencies (LEAs) about the design and implementation of effective, high-quality mentoring and induction programs. Toolkit materials summarize research and best practices, highlight relevant examples, and provide streamlined processes for action planning.
The toolkit is divided into modules by topic. Each module includes:
- an anchor presentation that summarizes research and best practices
- handouts that provide supplemental information, and
- team tools to facilitate discussion.
See our Toolkit Quick Guide for a list of team tools and their descriptions.
Support for Customizing the Toolkit
Request a one-on-one consultation with GTL Center experts to learn more about how your state can create strong supports for new teachers through comprehensive mentoring and induction.