Mentoring & Induction Toolkit 2.0: Supporting Teachers in Underserved Contexts

two women looking at a tablet together

The GTL Center’s Mentoring and Induction Toolkit is a ready-to-use resource for states working closely with districts to build strong mentoring and induction programs. The purpose of the GTL Center’s Mentoring and Induction Toolkit is to give regional comprehensive centers (RCCs) and state education agencies (SEAs) tools, resources, and support to facilitate meaningful conversations with local education agencies (LEAs) about the design and implementation of effective, high-quality mentoring and induction programs. Toolkit materials summarize research and best practices, highlight relevant examples, and provide streamlined processes for action planning.


The toolkit is divided into modules by topic. Each module includes:

  • an anchor presentation that summarizes research and best practices
  • handouts that provide supplemental information, and
  • team tools to facilitate discussion.

See our Toolkit Quick Guide for a list of team tools and their descriptions.


Support for Customizing the Toolkit

Request a one-on-one consultation with GTL Center experts to learn more about how your state can create strong supports for new teachers through comprehensive mentoring and induction. 

Module 1: Introduction to the Toolkit
Module 2: Mentor: Recruitment, Selection, and Assignment

Module 2 explores resources developed by the GTL Center to support mentor recruitment, selection, and assignment. The module identifies research-based strategies and best practices to secure qualified, effective mentors.

Presentation and Handouts

Team Tools

Module 3: Mentor: Professional Learning, Development, and Assessment

Module 3 explores resources developed by the GTL Center to support mentor professional learning, development, and assessment. The module identifies research-based strategies and best practices to ensure that mentors are receiving the support they need to grow as teacher-leaders.

Presentation and Handouts

Team Tools

Module 4: Beginning Teacher: Professional Learning and Development

Module 4 reviews the research base for the retention and development of beginning teachers and defines the essential features of instructionally-focused formative assessment of beginning teacher practice. The module also explores school- and district-based structures to create a comprehensive system of professional learning supports for beginning teachers.

Presentation and Handouts

Team Tools

Module 5: The Principal's Role in Mentoring and Induction

Module 5 provides guidance on the role of the principal in mentoring and induction. The module explores resources to help states, districts, and schools support effective principal leadership for mentoring and induction programs in turnaround schools.

Presentations and Handouts

Team Tools

Module 6: Mentoring and Induction Supports for Educators of Students With Disabilities

Module 6 helps strengthen collaboration between states, districts, and educator preparation programs to ensure that all partners are invested in the creation of local mentoring and induction programs that reinforce the content and skills that teachers and leaders need to serve students with disabilities.

Presentation and Handouts

Team Tools


Module 7: Collecting Evidence of Program Success

Module 7 explores how to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for an induction program. The modules identifies GTL Center tools that can support effective data collection, monitoring, and continuous improvement of induction programs.

Presentation and Handouts

Team Tools

Module 8: Data-Driven Conversations for Equitable Access

Module 8 offers a data-protocol and facilitation materials for holding data-driven conversations at the state, district, and school levels around tailoring mentoring and induction programs to succeed in high-need contexts. The module provides detailed steps and supporting resources for completing a multi-step process resulting a concrete action plan for creating a new mentoring and induction program or modifying an existing program.

Presentation and Handouts

Team Tools