Washington Social Emotional Learning Framework Implementation

Washington Social Emotional Learning Framework Implementation

Washington State is invested in social and emotional learning (SEL) as a key lever for supporting student success in school and in life. AIR has partnered with the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) in building capacity across the state to implement the statewide SEL framework. 

SEL Online Module 

In 2017, AIR developed a comprehensive online module to build teachers, administrators, and other staff’s knowledge and skills in supporting the social and emotional development of students. Each of the online segments includes readings, discussion prompts, videos, interactive activities, reflective questions, resources, and action-planning guides. AIR updated the modules in 2021 to include new resources and to add a segment addressing the specific considerations of SEL in the COVID-19 context. 

Developing the SEL Network allowed us to not only provide professional learning on SEL topics identified through community listening sessions, but also allowed district staff and educators to learn from each other, build relationships and systems, and create the foundation for helping support our students in their development of social and emotional skills that was grounded in equity.

- Tammy Bolen, SEL Program Supervisor, 2023

SEL Professional Learning Network 

Throughout 2022-2023, AIR collaborated with Washington OSPI’s SEL team to launch a statewide SEL Professional Learning Network to help local education agency teams implement SEL initiatives. The network included a variety of technical assistance supports including webinars, peer-to-peer exchange series, coaching, and an in-person SEL exchange. The focus areas of the Professional Learning Network were shaped by the findings from a needs assessment and collaborative data interpretation which gathered input from students, families, educators, and other community partners. 

Academic Learning is Social and Emotional: Integration Tools

OSPI is committed to giving educators across the state the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to intentionally integrate SEL into academic practice in ways that advance educational equity. In 2022-2023, a team of instructional design and subject matter experts from AIR and partnering organizations Education Northwest and 2WardEquity supported OSPI in developing a set of modules and training resources to help Washington practitioners integrate equity-centered social, emotional, and academic learning. Developed in collaboration with community partners, educators, families, and students, the resources: 

  • Promote and support instructional practices that integrate equity-centered, social, emotional, and academic learning, and
  • Address Washington's specific challenges in alignment of SEL with state learning standards with a primary focus on Arts, Health, Physical Education, Social Studies, and World Languages.

Sara Wolforth
Managing Director
Megan Gildin
Senior TA Consultant
Kellie Anderson headshot
Senior Technical Project Manager