SA WORX Talent Pipeline Management Implementation

SA WORX, the talent arm of greater:SATX, the regional economic development organization, saw the need for a structured, data-driven, and industry-led solution to talent pipeline challenges in the Greater San Antonio Region. Seeing promise in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s field-tested Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) framework and methodology, the SA WORX team employed this approach to solve industry challenges and provide quality career opportunities for San Antonians in key regional industry sectors: manufacturing, healthcare and bioscience, IT and cybersecurity, finance, and construction and skilled trades.
Through collaboration, AIR is actively influencing region-wide TPM strategy and facilitating a series of collaborative and working-group meetings focused on efforts to evaluate, expand, improve, scale, and measure talent pipeline initiatives to address critical jobs, skill needs, and talent management challenges across industries.
With an experienced team of business engagement and sector strategy consultants—including trained and knowledgeable Chamber Foundation TPM Fellows and practitioners—AIR was contracted to provide strategic consultation and enhanced capacity for the launch and implementation of five employer collaboratives to align with each priority industry.
AIR’s contributions to this important regional work include:
- Analysis of current regional labor market needs and employer collaborative demand planning.
- Evaluation of competency and credential needs as well as challenges and opportunities to improve talent management approaches that lead to improved retention, upskilling and promotion.
- Analysis of current and potential talent sources and pipelines and establishment of career profiles and pathways to promote industry awareness, interest, and exposure.
- Implementation of industry-led solutions, in partnership with various training, education, government, and supportive service provider partners, to expand the regional talent pipeline.
AIR is proud to partner with SA WORX and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation to implement measurable, sustainable solutions that drive business success; provide quality job opportunity and family-sustaining wages; promote in-demand education, training, and credential attainment; and result in increased individual and regional economic prosperity.