The Effects of Increased Learning Time on Student Academic and Nonacademic Outcomes: Findings From a Meta Analytic Review
Increased learning time programs delivered beyond the regular school day provide additional instruction in English language arts, math, and other subjects and are meant to enhance students’ academic interests and success. Numerous evaluations have tested the effects of such programs on students’ academic knowledge, study skills, social skills, and motivation to learn.
In partnership with the Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Appalachia, AIR conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of increased learning time on student academic and nonacademic outcomes.
This meta-analysis examined more than 7,000 studies, sorted them by scientific rigor, and identified 30 that used research designs capable of yielding strong evidence about the outcomes of increased learning time. Only studies that met What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) standards were included.
In some cases the studies found that increased learning time programs had a positive effect on student outcomes; in other cases the studies found no positive effect. This suggests that no single increased learning time program fits the needs of all students.