CAHPS® Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS CAHPS) Survey

The CAHPS Home and Community-Based Services Survey (HCBS CAHPS) elicits feedback from Medicaid enrollees about the quality of the long-term services and supports they receive in the community. As a subcontractor on this Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services project, AIR led qualitative research to develop survey items in the following domains: shared decisionmaking, personal safety, planning time and activities, transportation, unmet needs, staff helpfulness, and staff listening and communications skills.

Designed as a cross-disability survey, AIR cognitively tested the survey and performed psychometric analysis of survey data and 19 derived measures; developed scoring algorithms, including case-mix adjustment; created quality reports from survey results; and delivered technical assistance to states implementing the survey. AIR also successfully obtained National Quality Forum (NQF) endorsement of the 19 measures derived from the HCBS CAHPS Survey (NQF # 2967)—the first NQF-endorsed measures specific to the HCBS setting.

Coretta Lankford headshot
Managing Researcher, Health Learning, Translation and Quality Measurement