Adult Training and Education Survey (ATES)
With a 2009 federal call for U.S. adults to pursue at least one year of higher education and training leading to a credential, it was imperative to measure whether industry-recognized certifications, state and local government-issued licenses, subbaccalaureate educational certificates, and other nondegree credentials were being obtained and the impact they were having at the employment level.
The Adult Training and Education Survey (ATES) provides the most detailed nationally representative data available on work-related credentials held by adults in the U.S. and how adults prepared for those credentials. It also provides in-depth data about work-based learning programs that adults have participated in. Related to adult education, it will provide information on participation in basic education and occupational courses or training, as well as credentials obtained, among adults who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent.
As the primary technical and analytical support contractor for ATES, AIR does survey development and testing, sampling, and data preparation, analysis, and reporting for NCES. The first official data and report were released in 2017-18.