
Improving physical and mental health across the lifespan through evidence-based policies and practices.

Building a safer, higher-quality, and more affordable healthcare system

Researchers at the American Institutes for Research® (AIR)—teams of nurses, physicians, psychologists, economists, sociologists, data scientists, and public health experts—are at the forefront of unraveling the intertwined challenges of healthcare quality, costs, and access. We work to improve care, reduce costs, and improve patient experience through rigorous research and evaluation; results-driven technical assistance and training; and leading-edge data science and technology tools.

The AIR Health Research and Policy Center identifies and answers important and timely questions about the cost and quality of care, people’s access to care, and health disparities, among other pressing policy issues.

At AIR, we believe providers, purchasers, payers and policymakers can partner with patients and each other to make safer, higher-quality, and more affordable care a reality. We collaborate with federal, state, foundation, and industry clients to design, implement, evaluate and refine health delivery policies and interventions to improve population health, increase efficiency and improve patient experience. Our experts in cost, coverage, and access, including innovative payment models; Medicare and Medicaid; patient and stakeholder engagement; quality measurement; and health disparities:

  • Bridge research and practice by applying the best science and methods to overcome barriers to better care, better health and smarter spending.
  • Enhance person-centered care by focusing on outcomes that matter most to patients, families, clinicians, and payers.
  • Solve real-world challenges to improving care by designing and delivering effective technical assistance and training.
Timothy Hill
Senior Vice President, Health
Kelly Devers
Vice President