Special Education

Before 1975, only one in five children with disabilities attended public school. Federal legislation changed that. With more than 7 million children receiving special education services, educators, parents, and providers face many challenges on the road to improving outcomes—and improving lives—for students with disabilities.

Our Work

AIR conducts federal, state, and local projects designed to improve outcomes for students with disabilities and their families. We offer training and technical assistance support for implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and evidence-based practices for students with disabilities in each of the 50 states and ten U.S. territories, as well as in hundreds of local school districts. 

Our areas of expertise in special education include:

We also develop projects that analyze and synthesize information related to policy initiatives in special education and early intervention, and conduct cutting-edge research on emerging, high-priority topics related to special education. 

Image of Lindsey Hayes
Principal Researcher