Fuchs Tutoring: Professional Learning

Fuchs Tutoring at the American Institutes for Research is a suite of professional learning services designed to help educators learn, practice, and begin implementing evidence-based tutoring and intervention programs designed by the Fuchs Research Group (FRG) at Vanderbilt University.
These evidence-based intervention programs provide targeted instruction in a specific skill or set of skills to students who are at-risk for poor learning outcomes. Evidence-based interventions are a critical component of high-quality multi-tiered systems of support. The use of evidence-based interventions for tutoring can be used as a mechanism for accelerating learning. PALS, as well as all the math and reading interventions developed by the Fuchs Research Group, are evidence-based.
We currently offer professional learning on the following Fuchs Research Group programs:
- Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) Math, a class-wide peer tutoring program focused on number concepts, application, and procedures in grades K-6.
- Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) Reading, a class-wide peer tutoring program focused on phonological awareness, decoding and word recognition in grades K-1, and reading fluency and reading comprehension in grades 2-6.
- Pirate Math, a systematic structured tutoring model for building number knowledge, arithmetic skill, and word-problem solving among students in Grades 1-3.
- Super Solvers, a systematic, structured tutoring and intervention program designed to promote knowledge of fractions. (Currently offered in-person and virtual direct training. Coming soon to our asynchronous platform.)
Fuchs Tutoring at AIR supports the implementation of these evidence-based interventions. Our professional learning services include direct training to districts and schools through in-person, virtual, and asynchronous delivery options.
In-person and virtual direct trainings are full or half-day facilitated trainings for groups of educators in districts and schools. Each expert-led training provides an interactive exploration of the intervention materials, supporting research, and best practices for effective implementation. These can also be tailored to support and integrate PALS or other Fuchs programs into any additional school or district initiative.
Asynchronous trainings allow individuals and small groups of educators in their own time to learn how to effectively implement the program, review supporting research and intervention materials, and learn about best practices. Each individual registration includes exclusive access to our online community forum, which houses recordings of previous program trainings, handouts, FAQ documents, and more. Our interactive online forum allows participants to learn, collaborate, and share among Fuchs Tutoring experts and fellow practitioners currently implementing the programs.
*All training participants are eligible to receive certificates of attendance that can be used for professional development and continuing education credits.
Professional Learning

Access our asynchronous professional learning options for Math PALS Grades K&1, Math PALS Grades 2-6, Pirate Math, PALS Reading Grades K&1, and PALS Reading Grades 2-6 trainings.
Learn more about training dates, pricing, and how to register.
Key Work
Learn Math
Learn Math is an Institute of Education Sciences (IES)-funded research project to understand the use of the class wide Super Solvers and PALS Math programs developed by the Fuchs Research Group, with a specific focus on supporting learning loss associated with COVID-19. This study is being conducted in Rhode Island and Texas at the 5th grade level.
Learn Reading
Learn Reading is an IES-funded research project to understand the use of PALS Reading and a newly developed phonics tool from the Fuchs Research Group to support learning loss associated with COVID-19. This study is being conducted in Rio Grande, Texas.
Hilo, Hawaii
District practitioners, interventionists, and LEAs convened for 3 days in Hilo, Hawaii for an in-person summit to learn about PALS Math K and 1. The customized three-day summit focused on early numeracy, K & 1 Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS), and data-based decision-making.