Kyosin Kang
Kyosin Kang is a senior project specialist at AIR. Kang’s work focuses on survey data collections and data quality and use, with a primary focus on school climate and related topics (i.e., conditions for learning and social and emotional skills). She is the project director of the Nevada School Climate/Social Emotional Learning (NV-SCSEL) Survey where she works with the Nevada Department of Education to collect school climate data in Nevada schools. She manages the development of surveys and survey platforms, as well as the dissemination of communication materials, reports, and data tools. She provides technical support to districts and schools, manages cognitive interviews and focus groups, and oversees psychometric activities and data analyses. She also serves as a survey lead on various quantitative and qualitative data collections at AIR that provide assistance to schools, districts, states, federal agencies, universities, and foundations. She has experience developing questionnaires, operating data collections and call centers, and managing cognitive interviews for students and adults.
Under contract with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Kang assisted the Chief Statistician of NCES on the Statistical Standards Project where she led reviews of center-wide NCES reports, checking for technical and statistical issues guided by the NCES Statistical Standards. She was also a communications and marketing associate for the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), where she led and supported the dissemination of PIAAC data and products to the public, including postcards, infographics, and online toolkits. For 8 years, she was AIR’s Restricted-Use Data Agent to ensure that AIR was following protocol on restricted-use data storage and usage aligned with the IES License Agreement and IES Data Security Plan.