Adam Troy

TA Consultant

Adam Troy is a TA Consultant at AIR. His primary responsibilities include serving as a project manager for Equity MAAPPS (Measurements for Accountability to All People in Policy Solutions), an initiative to help states align spending with strategies promoting restorative justice. Troy's secondary responsibilities include serving as a TA specialist with the CDC's Violence Prevention Technical Assistance Center, where he supports Preventing Violence Affecting Young Lives (PREVAYL) grantees in addressing the upstream determinants of violence. Troy also serves as a subject matter expert working with the HOPWA grantees, using housing and intervention to fight HIV/AIDS. Lastly, Troy serves as a community liaison and project coordinator for health equity initiatives with AIR's Center for Addiction Research and Effective Solutions, where he supports the meaningful participation and leadership of people with lived experience in research. Troy has more than fifteen years of experience in public health and prevention and has extensive experience in HIV prevention, harm reduction, and violence prevention. 

Prior to joining AIR, Troy served as a prevention director at the Hope and Help Center of Central Florida, a community-based organization, where he led multisectoral prevention efforts to address the simultaneous epidemics of HIV, HCV, opioid overdose, and violence. He currently teaches as an adjunct instructor at the University of Central Florida, on the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases. Troy is a returned Peace Corps volunteer and is certified in Public Health by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.

Adam Troy

M.P.H., Epidemiology, Florida International University; B.A., Anthropology, University of Florida
