The National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) is a joint project of AIR and scholars at Duke University, Northwestern University, Stanford University, the University of Missouri, the University of Texas at Dallas, and the University of Washington.
The Center's research scientists are leaders in the field of economics and other social sciences as they relate to education policy research. CALDER, which previously was located at the Urban Institute, strives to inform education policy development through analyses of data on individual students and teachers over time.
The Center focuses on how teacher policies, governance policies, and social and economic community conditions affect outcomes for teachers and their students. By capitalizing on rich longitudinal data, CALDER explores a breadth of critical education issues and makes the highest quality research available to policymakers.
Through a national network of university-based senior researchers, CALDER studies a wide range of education policy research topics, including: state and local education finance, school accountability, standards and assessment, teacher recruitment and retention, teacher quality, school administration, child development, early childhood education, special education, childhood poverty, higher education, segregation, school choice, and school incentives.
Currently, CALDER is working with data from Florida, Indiana, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Washington, and Washington, D.C.
The Center’s work spans the field of education policy research, including: state and local education finance, school accountability, standards and assessment, teacher recruitment and retention, teacher quality, school administration, child development, early childhood education, special education, childhood poverty, higher education, segregation, school choice, and school incentives.
Visit the CALDER website at