Marilyn Moon Demystifies Medicare Reform

Medicare reform is a center-stage issue in the presidential campaign. In this video interview, Marilyn Moon, an Institute Fellow at AIR, explains why the issue matters and which features of the federal health insurance program for Americans ages 65 and older and the disabled most need to be addressed.

In recent weeks, both the Democratic and Republican campaigns have been promoting their approaches to controlling federal spending on Medicare. In the video, Moon explores the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to changing Medicare, including premium support and various delivery system reforms.

“I think the conversation at the moment is very much around the issue of do you think the federal government or private insurance will do a better job at controlling costs over time,” Moon said. She has been recently cited in both The New York Times and the Associated Press, talking about Medicare issues and the presidential campaign.

With nearly three decades of experience analyzing Medicare, Moon has been a public trustee on The Board of Trustees of the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds, a Project Director on Medicare’s Future and as the director of the Public Policy Institute at the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).