Condition of Children Birth to Age Five and Status of Early Childhood Services in California
California has an increasingly diverse population and significant poverty challenges. High-quality early learning can have a significant impact on long-term outcomes for young children, and is an important strategy for serving the educational needs of that diverse population (particularly children in poverty). However, a very small percentage of California’s low-income young children have access to high-quality early learning.
Supported by federal funds, California is developing a comprehensive statewide plan for an integrated early learning system, the California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan (CCELP). In support of the development of this plan, AIR compiled a report describing statistics on the condition of children in California, and analyzing existing research and recommendations on the state’s early childhood services. The report summarizes findings and recommendations that emerge from the authors of 81 California-based studies and policy reports regarding access to and quality of the state’s early learning and care programs, summarized by topic.