Integrated MTSS Fidelity Rubric (IMFR)

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The Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Fidelity Rubric (IMFR) is a tool created to assess an elementary school’s implementation of Integrated Multi-tiered Systems of Support (I-MTSS). I-MTSS is a model where academic and social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) supports are strategically combined to improve students' academic (e.g., reading and/or math) and SEB outcomes.

Psychometric testing on over 100 elementary schools indicates that the IMFR is a valid and reliable tool for measuring the implementation of I-MTSS.

The tool was developed by researchers at AIR and the University of Missouri (MU) as a part of a five-year study funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Investigators included Dr. Allison Gandhi (AIR, principal investigator), Dr. Erica Lembke (MU, co-principal investigator) and Dr. Chris Riley-Tillman (MU, co-principal investigator). Jennifer Pierce (AIR) served as project director and Heather Smith (MU) served as project coordinator.  

Overview of the IMFR


Why Use the IMFR?

The IMFR can be used to assess, better understand, set goals for, and improve I-MTSS implementation in elementary schools whose goal it is to strategically combine academic (i.e., reading and/or math) and SEB supports to meet students’ needs in both areas.       

What Does the IMFR Measure?

The IMFR contains 14 items—the components of I-MTSS implementation that receive a rating on the IMFR—organized into four domains of I-MTSS.

1. Instruction and Intervention 1.1 Tier 1                
1.2 Tier 2                
1.3 Tier 3
2. Assessment2.1 Universal Screening                
2.2 Diagnostic Assessment                
2.3 Progress Monitoring
3. Data-based Decisionmaking (DBDM)3.1 Universal DBDM                
3.2 Targeted DBDM                
3.3 Intensive DBDM                
3.4 Continuous Improvement
4. Infrastructure4.1 District Leadership                
4.2 School Leadership                
4.3 Schoolwide Culture                
4.4 Professional Learning


Where Can I Get the IMFR?

Please complete this short form to gain access to the IMFR materials. You will be asked to provide your name, email address, role, and whether you will be using the IMFR for research purposes. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with the IMFR tool, interview protocol, scoring worksheet, planning guide, and self-paced training course. Contact us for more information.