Iowa’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation Program: Findings From 2016–17
The Iowa Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) system was designed to provide career pathways and compensation structures to attract, retain and reward effective teachers; to promote continuous improvement in Iowa’s teaching workforce; and to increase student academic achievement. The TLC program was rolled out in three successive district cohorts, each covering approximately one third of Iowa’s students: Cohort 1 in 2014–15, Cohort 2 in 2015–16, and Cohort 3 in 2016–17.
This report updates the Year 1 implementation and outcome findings based on 2015–16 data. Findings on implementation, based on teacher and administrator surveys, interviews, and focus groups, include perceived outcomes and teacher satisfaction; teacher leadership roles and responsibilities; supports for teachers; and teacher collaboration. Also included are findings on teacher leadership and compensation outcomes, as well as findings on teacher retention and student achievement impact.