USAID/Latin America and Caribbean Reads Capacity Program (LRCP)
Literacy is a fundamental skill that serves as the foundation for an individual’s future learning and, collectively, for a society’s social and economic development.
The Latin America and Caribbean Reads Capacity Program (LRCP), an 8-year program, implemented by AIR, and Juárez and Associates, and funded by USAID, increased the impact, scale, and sustainability of early grade literacy interventions in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. The program developed state-of-the-art research, capacity strengthening resources and provided technical assistance to host country governments and other key stakeholders. To learn more about the project watch the video above.
Literacy Toolkit
EnseñaLEES is a portfolio of didactic multimedia resources for teachers and trainers to improve Early Grade Literacy (EGL) instruction in Latin America and the Caribbean made for and by the region. Download the toolkit and learn more about EnseñaLEES.

Program Components

Capacity Strengthening
We expand institutional and technical capacity to implement proven approaches for improving EGL outcomes for poor and disadvantaged children.
- Yo Me Expreso
- RedLEI Moodle
- Design and development of courses and workshops

AIR generates, consolidates, and systematizes evidence on EGL for practical use by LAC region stakeholders to improve practice and policies.
- Systematic Review on EGL in LAC
- Programmatic Research
- Peer Reviewed Journals Publications

Behavioral Communication
We actively disseminate and mobilize synthesized up-to-date evidence on EGL with targeted audiences and stakeholders.
- Reading Regional Campaign
- Podcast: LAC Reads Out Loud
- Regional virtual community in EGL

Our team has built sustainable platforms through which efforts to improve EGL in priority LAC countries will be continued and strengthened.
LRCP in Haiti
In late 2016, LRCP expanded to work in Haiti working hand-in-hand with the Haitian Ministry of Education (MENFP) and focusing on a three-pronged approach to institutional capacity building: (a) technical assistance in the development of grades 1–4 reading materials in Kreyòl and French, (b) capacity building of teachers, supervisors, and school principals on effective EGL strategies in 150 schools, and (c) research on early grade literacy issues specific to the needs of Haitian schools.
LRCP Haiti implemented its teacher training activities in collaboration with Fondation Haïtienne de L’enseignement Privé (FONHEP) and conducted EGL research with Université Quisqueya (UniQ) in Haiti. They also implemented the very first national reading conference in Haiti in 2019. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, LRCP shifted its focus in Haiti to developing distance learning materials for children to continue their literacy development at home. In April of 2021, the LRCP team delivered Kreyol language at home learning materials to over 150 schools for parents of first and second grade children to pick up. Those materials were delivered by trucks, motorcycles and even horse to ensure we reached the most remote regions.