National AYP and Identification Database
The National Adequate Yearly Progress and Identification (NAYPI) database was created by AIR to facilitate analyses for two studies funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Policy and Program Studies Service (PPSS): the State Study of the Implementation of Accountability and Teacher Quality Under No Child Left Behind (SSI-NCLB) and the National Longitudinal Study of No Child Left Behind (NLS-NCLB). This webpage makes the NAYPI database available to the public.
Data were collected from state education agency officials and websites as well as consolidated state performance reports (CSPRs) and the data were then placed into a common standardized format enabling analyses across states and across the nation. The database contains nearly 90,000 public schools in 15,000 districts across 50 states and the District of Columbia.
The NAYPI database contains detailed information on whether each school met each of up to 37 standard AYP targets including reading proficiency, math proficiency, reading test participation, and math test participation for the “all students” group and for each of eight student subgroups, as well as an "other academic indicator". The database contains simple “Yes, No, N/A” results on each AYP target (reading proficiency, math proficiency, reading test participation, math test participation and the other academic indicator) for all students in the school and importantly for each student subgroup calculated under NCLB accountability (i.e., five racial/ethnic categories, students from low-income families, students with disabilities, students with limited English proficiency). Some data elements such as the applicability of subgroups were not available for all states. To describe the characteristics of the schools the database also includes a variety of demographic variables drawn from the Common Core of Data (CCD) such as enrollment, grades levels, minority population, and poverty level. The database does not contain percentages or numbers of students scoring proficient.
The NAYPI database should be useful to those wanting to perform national analyses of AYP and identification for school improvement or NCLB policy, examine AYP and identification across several different states, those wanting to supplement their multi-state data collections with AYP and identification data, those designing studies and wanting to select schools with particular NCLB identification statuses such as Corrective Action or Restructuring or missed AYP due to the achievement of the students with disabilities subgroup, those needing a comprehensive source of historical data on AYP and identification under NCLB.
The database is not intended to be an official authority on the status of specific schools. Individual states are always the most authoritative, detailed, and current source for their own AYP and identification data; this database provides a simple way to look in a standardized way at the larger national picture. Please note that the database has not undergone the same degree of quality assurance that AIR typically conducts for a public release of data files. In that sense the database is delivered “as is.”
The shaded box includes links to 2003-04 and 2004-05 data. (Note: The 2003-04 database includes school AYP status in 2003-04 and the identification status that resulted from 2003-04 and prior testing, commonly referred to as 2004-05 identification for improvement.)