NAEP Validity Studies (NVS) Panel

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) led by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the Institutes of Education Sciences, is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas.

NVS 2024 Meeting Dates

  • February 16
  • June 7
  • September 27

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Since 1995, AIR has maintained the NAEP Validity Studies Panel (NVS), an independent panel of experts under contract with NCES that meets to discuss validity considerations for NAEP. The members of the panel have been charged with writing focused studies and issue papers on the most salient of the identified issues.

Below is a complete bibliography of reports produced to date by the NVS Validity Studies Panel:

2011 - Present 2001 - 20101997 - 2000


2011 - Present

Valencia, S., Pellegrino, J., & and Durán, R. (2024). An Exploration of Opportunity to Learn and Implications for NAEP

Hooper, M., Shipan, R., Bamat, D., & Bohrnstedt, G. (2024). Study of Changes in Public School Composition During the Pandemic and Their Relationship With NAEP Performance.

Hughes, G. (2023). White Paper: Improving Equitable Measurement and Reporting in NAEP.

Shepard, L. (2022). White Paper: NAEP Framework and Trend Considerations.

O'Malley, F. & Norton, S. (2022). Maintaining the Validity of the NAEP Frameworks and Assessments in Civics and U.S. History.

Behuniak, P. & Way, D. (2022). White Paper to Provide Context for NAEP Achievement Levels by Reviewing State and International Practices.

Pellegrino, J. W. (2021). Revision of the NAEP Science Framework and Assessment.

Way, D. & Strain-Seymour, E. (2021). A Framework for Considering Device and Interface Features That May Affect Student Performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Durán, R. P. et. al. (2020). Effects of Visual Representations and Associated Interactive Features on Student Performance on National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Pilot Science Scenario-Based Tasks.

Valencia, S. W., Wixson, K., Kitmitto, S., & Doorey, N. (2020). A Comparison of NAEP Reading and NAEP Writing Assessments With Current-Generation State Assessments in English Language Arts: Expert Judgment Study.

Shepard, L. A., Kitmitto, S., Daro, P., Hughes, G., Webb, D. C., Stancavage, F., & Tucker-Bradway, N. (2020). Validity of the National Assessment of Educational Progress to Evaluate Cutting-Edge Curricula.

Hughes, G., Behuniak, P., Norton, S., Kitmitto, S., & Buckley, J. (2019). NAEP Validity Studies Panel Responses to the Reanalysis of TUDA Mathematics Scores.

Mullis, I. V. S. (2019). White Paper on 50 Years of NAEP Use: Where NAEP Has Been and Where It Should Go Next.

Kitmitto, S., Bohrnstedt, G., Park, J.B., Bertling, J., & Almonte, D. (2018). Developing New Indices to Measure Digital Technology Access and Familiarity.

Bohrnstedt, G., Kitmitto, S., & Park, J.B. (2017). Initial Tables From the 2015 Computer Access and Familiarity Study.

Valencia, S., Wixson, K., Ackerman, T., & Sanders, E. (2017). Identifying Text-Task-Reader Interactions Related to Item and Block Difficulty in the National Assessment for Educational Progress Reading Assessment.

Behuniak, P. (2015). Maintaining the Validity of the National Assessment of Educational Progress in a Common Core Based Environment.

Daro, P., Hughes, G. B., & Stancavage, F. (2015). Study of the Alignment of the 2015 NAEP Mathematics Items at Grades 4 and 8 to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics.

Phillips, G. W. (2014). Linking the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Reading to the 2011 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).

DeStefano, L. & Johnson, J. (2013). Study of the Feasibility of a NAEP Mathematics Accessible Block Alternative.

Hedges, L. V. & Bandeira de Mello, V. (2013). A Validity Study of the NAEP Full Population Estimates.

Stancavage, F. B. & Bohrnstedt, G. W. (Eds.) (2013) Examining the Content and Context of the Common Core State Standards: A First Look at Implications for the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Beaton, A. E., Linn, R. L., & Bohrnstedt, G. W. (2012). Alternative Approaches to Setting Performance Standards for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Mullis, I. V. S., Bohrnstedt, G. W., Preuschoff, A. C., de los Reyes, I., Stancavage, F., & Martin, M. O. (2012). Examining NAEP Achievement in Relation to School Testing Conditions in the 2010 Assessments.

Thissen, D. (2012). Validity Issues Involved in Cross-Grade Statements About NAEP Results.


2001 - 2010

Beaton, A. E., & Chromy, J. R. (2010). NAEP Trends: Main NAEP vs. Long-Term Trend.

Linn, R., McLaughlin, D., & Thissen, D. (2009). Utility and Validity of NAEP Linking.

Nellhaus, J., Behuniak, P., & Stancavage, F. (2009). Guiding Principles and Suggested Studies for Determining When the Introduction of a New Assessment Framework Necessitates a Break in Trend in NAEP.

Stancavage, F., Shepard, L., McLaughlin, D., Holtzman, D., Blankenship, C., & Zhang, Y. (2009). Sensitivity of NAEP to the Effects of Reform-Based Teaching and Learning in Middle School Mathematics.

Beaton, A. E. & Chromy, J. R. (2007). Partitioning NAEP Trend Data.

Daro, P., Stancavage, F., Ortega, M., DeStefano, L., & Linn, R. (2007). Validity Study of the NAEP Mathematics Assessment: Grades 4 and 8.

Grissmer, D. (2007). Estimating Effects of Non-Participation on State NAEP Scores Using Empirical Methods.

Durán, R. P. (2006). State Implementation of NCLB Policies and Interpretation of the NAEP Performance of English Language Learners.

McLaughlin, D.H., Scarloss, B.A., Stancavage, F.B., & Blankenship, C.D. (2005). Using State Assessments to Assign Booklets to NAEP Students to Minimize Measurement Error: An Empirical Study in Four States.

McLaughlin, D. H., Scarloss, B. A., Stancavage, F. B., & Blankenship, C. D. (2005). Using State Assessments to Impute Achievement of Students Absent from NAEP: An Empirical Study in Four States.

Chromy, J. & Mosquin, P. (2004). Federal Sample Sizes for Confirmation of State Tests in No Child Left Behind.

Linn, R. L., McLaughlin, D., Jiang, T., & Gallagher, L. (2004). Assigning Adaptive NAEP Booklets Based on State Assessment Scores: A Simulation Study of the Impact on Standard Errors.

McLaughlin, D., Gallagher, L., & Stancavage, F. (2004). Evaluation of Bias Correction Methods for “Worst-case” Selective Non-participation in NAEP.

Stancavage, F. B. et al. (2002). An Agenda for NAEP Validity Research.

Weston, T. J. (2002). The Validity of Oral Accommodation in Testing.


1997 - 2000

Durán, R. P. (2000). Implications of Electronic Technology for the NAEP Assessment.

Hedges, L. V., Konstantopoulos, S., & Thoreson, A. (2000). Computer Use and Its Relation to Academic Achievement in Mathematics, Reading, and Writing.

Jakwerth, P. R., Stancavage, F. B., & Reed, E. D. (1999). An Investigation of Why Students Do Not Respond to Questions.

Bock, R. D. & Zimowsi, M. F. (1998). Feasibility Studies of Two-Stage Testing in Large-Scale Educational Assessment: Implications for NAEP.

Chromy, J.R. (1998). The Effects of Finite Sampling on State Assessment Sample Requirements.

Jaeger, R. M. (1998). Reporting Results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Hedges, L. V. & Vevea, J. L. (1997). A Study of Equating in NAEP.

Mullis, I. V. S. (1997). Optimizing State NAEP: Issues and Possible Improvements.

Pearson, P. D. & Garavaglia, D. R. (1997). Improving the Information Value of Performance Items in Large Scale Assessments.