Internationals Network Project RISE (Realizing Internationals Support for English Language Learners)

Developed by Internationals Network for Public Schools (INPS) and funded through a five-year Investing in Innovation development grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement, Project RISE (Realizing Internationals Supports for English Language Learners) aims to improve the educational outcomes of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades 9–12 in two schools identified as persistently low performing by changing teachers’ instructional practices and several key structures in which students and teachers are organized.

In particular, the program aims to establish (1) collaborative interdisciplinary teaching teams responsible for (2) shared heterogeneous groups of students that foster instructional practices that (3) integrate the instruction of language and content using (4) collaborative experiential projects across the curriculum. Project RISE provides resources and school-level supports, such as coaching and professional development, to teachers and school leaders, including principals and assistant principals. An instructional leadership coach (ILC) at each site, hired and trained as part of the project, delivers ongoing support to teachers and school leaders throughout the school year. In addition, INPS staff members consult with the school principal and the ILC to monitor and adjust program implementation.

Project Summary

AIR serves as the independent evaluator of the Internationals Network for Public Schools Project RISE (Realizing Internationals Supports for English Language Learners). AIR provides ongoing, formative evaluation of program implementation. During the project’s last year, AIR will provide a summative evaluation of Project RISE’s impact on the educational outcomes of English language learners.

Project Goals

The goal of the formative evaluation of Project RISE is to inform INPS about the successes and challenges of program implementation. The goal of the summative evaluation is to examine the impact of Project RISE on key educational outcomes for ELLs using a quasi-experimental design.

Research Questions

  1. What does the implementation of Project RISE look like at participating schools?
  2. What is the impact of Project RISE on the educational outcomes of ELL students?