FEWS NET Pillar 2: Management of a FEWS NET Learning and Data Hub

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) is a leading provider of early warning and analysis on acute food insecurity around the world. Created in 1985 by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in response to devastating famines in East and West Africa, FEWS NET provides unbiased, evidence-based analysis to governments and relief agencies who plan for and respond to humanitarian crises. FEWS NET analyses support resilience and development programming as well. FEWS NET analysts and specialists work with scientists, government ministries, international agencies, and NGOs to track and publicly report on conditions in the world’s most food-insecure countries.

AIR manages FEWS NET’s Learning and Data Hub, which serves the FEWS NET team and the global food security community with the technology platforms and strategies necessary to manage, analyze, and disseminate FEWS NET data, information, knowledge products, and learning.    

About the Hub

The Hub fosters collaboration within the FEWS NET team and between the greater external food security community. Internally, the Hub supports a project intranet website and electronic document management system to capture, organize, share, and apply the latest FEWS NET knowledge. For external audiences, the Hub connects with the larger food security community through the fews.net website and Data Center, the FEWS NET Data Explorer, as well as professional networks and events to meet the project’s objective of sustainably preventing food insecurity and famine.

The Hub’s three technical areas include the data management platform, fews.net website platform, and the knowledge and learning workstream. The Hub does the following:

  • Provides and maintains a website platform for the sharing of FEWS NET reporting, data, and analytical tools to international food security and humanitarian communities.
  • Improves data quality and management through secure, open, intuitive, and accessible cloud-based tools.
  • Supports data sharing within USAID, across national government agencies, and with other international donors.
  • Creates simple visualizations to turn data and analysis into accessible information that is actionable for decision-makers.
  • Ensure that information is used to foster learning both within FEWS NET and among international partners.
  • Assure compliance of the Hub’s platforms with USAID regulations and standards.

The data management platform is designed to manage, maintain, and improve the FEWS NET Data Warehouse and Data Explorer. It includes the design and management of new datasets, visualizations, and analytical tools.

The fews.net website is where other FEWS NET partners post monthly reports and maps detailing current and projected levels of food insecurity and specialized reports on weather and climate, markets and trade, agricultural production, livelihoods, nutrition, and food assistance.

The Hub’s mandate for Knowledge and Learning aims to make FEWS NET food security-related data and knowledge products more accessible to FEWS NET team members, as well as to users and for uses outside of the FEWS NET team.