
What We Do | MOSAIC

MOSAIC is committed to conducting high-quality research synthesis, improving research synthesis methods, and promoting the use and uptake of reviews and meta-analyses.

Two women working at laptops

The Methods of Synthesis and Integration Center (MOSAIC) at AIR conducts systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses in education, health, international development, social welfare, and the workforce.

MOSAIC experts create methodological improvements by conducting simulation studies and deriving new statistical methods. We support external trainings and workshops and knowledge translation through individual projects and through the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.

With more than 70 certified What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviewers at AIR, we also support and conduct reviews using the WWC standards and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence tiers. This work is housed on the Statistics, Website, and Training (SWAT) and Evidence Support Center pages.

Learn more about what we do in the areas of systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses, meta-analysis training, synthesis methods, knowledge translation, and alternative review types.


Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses

MOSAIC experts have extensive experience conducting systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses in a variety of content areas, to ensure a thorough review of your research question. We have also developed videos and infographics to share more about the methods used to conduct this work and how to interpret results.

AIR is synthesizing empirical evidence on how classroom interventions can increase motivational outcomes (e.g., interests) and retention for undergraduates in ...
AIR conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the effects of professional development programs on teacher instruction and student ...
Mathematics is a foundation that is necessary for learning and employment in other technical disciplines, but U.S. student math achievement ...


Methods in a Minute: Systematic Review

What can researchers do with multiple studies on the same topic—especially when some of them contradict each other? Systematic review is a research method that helps researchers make sense of a topic's full research landscape. View the text (PDF)

Methods in a Minute: Meta-Analysis

What should researchers do when multiple studies on the same question offer different conclusions? This video explains how a statistical technique called meta-analysis can help them interpret those seemingly contradictory results. View the text (PDF)

Methods in a Minute: Evidence Gap Maps

What can researchers do to understand what research has been done on a particular topic? This video explains how evidence gap maps can be used to visually represent where researcher has—and has not yet—been conducted.

Introductory Level Infographics

Systematic Review

What Are Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses?

High-Quality Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

High-Quality Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

How to Read a Meta-Analysis of Intervention Studies

How to Read a Meta-Analysis of Intervention Studies

More Advanced Infographics

How Can LLMs Enhance Searching

Leveraging Large Language Models for Research Synthesis Search String Development

Strategies to Increase Efficiency

Time to Complete a Meta-Analysis

Using QES to Inform Policy and Program Implementation

Using Qualitative Evidence Synthesis

Meta-Analysis Training

Each year, MOSAIC hosts meta-analysis training and WWC certification through federally funded grants for individuals across the nation. Here we highlight two training workshops:

MMARI screenshot

Modern Meta-Analyses Research Institute

The Modern Meta-Analyses Research Institute is a National Science Foundation-funded workshop aimed at STEM researchers interested in learning how to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

MARI screenshot

Meta-Analysis Training Institute

The Meta-Analysis Training Institute is an intensive workshop aimed at researchers interested in conducting Institute of Education Sciences-funded meta-analyses of important research topics. 

Synthesis Methods

MOSAIC improves the methods of systematic reviews and meta-analyses through methodological reviews, simulation studies, and validity tests of various software. View our latest projects:

Selective reporting is a critical concern in the scientific literature. Imagine if a study only reported on the positive effects ...
The Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation (5E) instructional model was first introduced in 1990 and is ubiquitously used in STEM ...
Toward the goal of more rapid knowledge accumulation via better meta-analyses, this article explores statistical approaches intended to increase the ...

Knowledge Translation

MOSAIC provides knowledge translation through evidence synthesis methods to make research meaningful.

MSKTC screenshot

Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC)

The MSKTC summarizes research, identifies health information needs, and develops information resources to support programs in meeting the needs of individuals with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and burn injuries.

CTER Network screenshot

Career and Technical Education Research Network 2.0

The CTE Research Network seeks to prepare students with academic, technical, and employability skills for success in the workplace and in further education by increasing the number of impact studies and strengthening the capacity of the field to conduct and use rigorous research. 

Alternative Review Types

MOSAIC supports many types of evidence synthesis projects, including scoping reviews, mock ESSA, and WWC reviews. 


Conducting a Scoping Review

Conducting a Scoping Review: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

In partnership with the Campbell Collaboration and Makerere University, AIR is conducting a scoping review to examine the evidence base ...
CLEAR's mission is to make research on labor topics more accessible to practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and the public more broadly ...