Sushmita Subedi
Sushmita Subedi, Ph.D., is a senior researcher in the Education Systems program area at AIR. Dr. Subedi has more than 10 years of experience in research and evaluation of school and district improvement, social emotional learning, and educator development programs. Her current responsibilities include directing the PreK-12 RESTART Network Lead team, COVID-19 and Equity in Education (CEE) Initiative, and evaluation of the New Leaders’ National Aspiring Principals Fellowship program. In her current role on these large-scale research and evaluation projects, she has designed and conducted studies using mixed-methods approach, implemented structures and procedures that engage stakeholders and beneficiaries in the research process, and facilitated conversations between researchers and practitioners through convenings and workshops. She is dedicated to utilizing innovative tools that harness the power of rigorous mixed-methods research to inform evidence in K-12 education research and program evaluation.
Dr. Subedi also provides quantitative and qualitative analytical and technical expertise on a range of projects, including Massachusetts District Reviews, Evaluation of the School Climate Transformation Grant, Solution Network Intermediaries Evaluation, and Massachusetts’ Center for School and District Partnership (CSDP) progress monitoring.

Ph.D., Public Policy Analysis, University of Massachusetts Boston