Stacey Bielick
Stacey Bielick is a managing director at AIR who specializes in survey methodology. Throughout her career at AIR, she has provided support and survey methodology expertise in all aspects of the survey process: design, implementation, documentation, training, and analysis, with a focus on large-scale national household surveys conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). She has been responsible for questionnaire design, designing and evaluating sampling plans, preparing survey justification for IRBs and OMB, post-survey processing including weights and missing data imputation, disclosure risk and prevention analysis, statistical analysis of date for complex samples, and general evaluation of survey measures and methods.
Bielick has worked on projects ranging from focus groups, in-dept cognitive interviewing, large-scale national surveys, and small-scale pilot and membership studies. She led AIR's work to develop survey measures to estimate the prevalence of homeschooling and co-authored a seminal publication on the topic. She has also led AIR's work on the redesign of the National Household Education Surveys (NHES) from telephone to mail survey and the survey design for measurement of sub-baccalaureate credentials in the National Adult Training and Education Survey pilots, for which she has authored a technical report.
Prior to joining AIR, she conducted visitor surveys for the Smithsonian Institution.

M.S., Survey Methodology, University of Maryland; M.A. and B.A., Sociology, American University