Samantha Sniegowski

Senior Researcher

Samantha Sniegowski is a senior researcher working on afterschool and expanded learning initiatives with the Learning Supports Network at AIR. She is responsible for coordinating and monitoring data collection activities, conducting data analyses, writing reports, and project coordination. Sniegowski’s current projects include Chicago Public Schools Community Schools Initiative evaluation; Texas, Washington, and Ohio 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) evaluations; the National Science Foundation STEM Interest and Engagement study; and the C.S. Mott National Data Scan and Meta-analysis of Program Impact in 21st CCLC Programs. Her specific skill set includes project management, data collection coordination, data file management, data analysis, and technical assistance around data-driven planning and improvement.

Prior to her joining AIR, Sniegowski worked as a technical services specialist at the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality, overseeing several statewide 21st CCLC evaluation projects, and managing the daily “data-in, data-out” systems that allowed afterschool networks to build and sustain quality improvement capacity and supports.

Samantha Sniegowski

M.S.W., Policy and Evaluation With Children and Youth, University of Michigan, School of Social Work; B.A., Political Science and Sociology, Alma College
