Jill Shively
Jill M. Shively is a senior technical assistance consultant at AIR. She develops professional development tools, guides, and online materials for educators on the use of data for data-driven decision making for school improvement. Shively has developed and produced the Data Exploration video, the Web-based engine for the Surveys of Enacted Curriculum, and various other online applications that support school improvement planning and needs assessment in urban and rural districts and schools. In addition to the product development work, Shively serves as project manager for the continuous development and improvement of AIR’s School Turnaround service line. While involved in these application and service development efforts at AIR, she also supports the staff and work of the Illinois Center for School Improvement. She is also the program coordinator for the National Training Agency for the Intel® Teach Program with the United States.
Shively supports state-level staff in coordinating the Intel® Teach Program statewide, coordinates a cadre of national senior trainers, organizes national and state-level trainings, and provides general oversight and budget management. Moving forward, she is taking more leadership roles in training development coordination, internal/external client service, and delivery of practical support to educators regarding integrated data use for school improvement.