Andrew Swanlund
Andrew Swanlund is a principal researcher at AIR. He specializes in psychometrics, statistics, and research design. He is the principal investigator of the federally funded four-year experimental study of the impact of a supplemental READ 180 intervention in Milwaukee Public Schools. In addition, he serves as analytic support across a variety of evaluation and impact studies including the experimental study of Indiana’s diagnostic assessment system, the evaluation of the Texas 21st CCLC grant program, the Managing Effective Teacher survey project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the development of the Jumpstart Financial Literacy Assessment. He provides internal guidance on the development of measurement instruments (surveys, assessments, and observation tools), the use of state and local assessment data, and research design including both experimental and quasi-experimental design. He has a wealth of experience working with states, districts, and foundations to design and implement rigorous evaluations of their programs and policies.
Ph.D.(ABD), Educational Psychology, University of Illinois – Chicago; M.S., Statistics, University of Minnesota; B.A., Mathematics, Carleton College