Webinar Series on Supporting English Learners With Close Reading
In the fall of 2016, experts from the Center for English Learners presented a series of three one-hour webinars featuring an approach called Attaining Core Content for English Language Learners (ACCELL), developed by Dr. Diane August and a team of AIR experts with decades of experience in developing research-based effective literacy interventions for ELs.
Each webinar focused on a different topic. The first session addressed background knowledge; the second, vocabulary; and the third and final, interactive reading strategies.
The presentations included research-based pedagogical methods and concrete ideas for teachers to successfully support ELs in meeting college- and career-ready standards, with a focus on reading literature. The webinars concluded with time for participants to ask questions and to engage in a discussion about implications and implementation.
Webinar I: Supporting English Learners With Close Reading: Addressing Background Knowledge
This webinar focused on methods for identifying and developing background knowledge in preparation for close reading of text.
Webinar II: Supporting English Language Learners With Close Reading: Acquiring Vocabulary
This webinar focused on identifying vocabulary to teach in anticipation of close reading, for extended and embedded instruction, and shared methods for vocabulary instruction.
Webinar III: Supporting English Language Learners With Close Reading: Interactive Reading Strategies
This final webinar focused on strategies teachers can use to help students access text during close reading.
Lisa Tabaku
Principal Researcher, AIR
Heidi Goertzen
Senior Technical Assistance Consultant, AIR