Strengthening School Partnerships with Native Families and Communities

On November 8, 2016, join the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest and Pacific for a free webinar on research-based resources to help educators strengthen Native family and community engagement in student learning.

Key Topics and Presenters:

Setting the Stage: The Need for Resources to Support Native Family/Community Engagement
Stephanie Autumn, Hopi Nation, Senior TA Consultant, American Institutes for Research

Review of the Research on Promising Practices for Engaging Native Families
Haidee Williams, Alliance Liaison, REL Southwest

Toolkit of Resources for Engaging Families and the Community as Partners in Education
Kirsten Miller, Communications Manager, REL Pacific

Unable to attend? Register to be notified when the webinar recording is available.

This event is free and open to all. Cohosted by REL Pacific and REL Southwest.

Event Information