Six AIR Researchers Give Presentations at ProLiteracy Worldwide Conference
Washington, D.C. – Six researchers for the American Institutes for Research (AIR) have been selected to give presentations at the ProLiteracy Worldwide 2007 Annual Conference in Alexandria, Virginia on Nov. 7-10. The nonprofit ProLiteracy Worldwide is the oldest and largest nongovernmental literacy organization in the world.
AIR is one of the nation’s leading firms supporting improvements in adult basic education, with services that include training, technical assistance and research at the federal, state and local levels. We perform work in professional development, ESOL, numeracy, assessment, use of technology in instruction and accountability.
The following is a list of the subjects, times and locations of the AIR presentations on Friday, November 9, 2007 at the Hilton Mark Center Hotel.
AIR Research Strand
Title: Findings from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy
Presenters: Elizabeth Greenburg and Mark Kutner
10:30 am Terrace East Room
Workshop Abstract: This workshop will explore several topics related to adult literacy: (1) how parents with different levels of literacy interact with their children and their children’s schools; (2) the relationship between literacy and public assistance; and (3) the literacy of state and federal prison inmates.
Title: Adult Mathematical Literacy: What Counts?
Presenters: Renee Sherman and Anestine Hector-Mason
10:30 am Walnut B Room
Workshop Abstract: Learn what quality practices are in adult numeracy professional development. Presenters will discuss findings from the literature review and environmental scan of the Adult Numeracy Initiative funded by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, and engage in a discussion of models of numeracy professional development and how these models can be incorporated in your program.
Title: Accountability and Program Quality in Adult Education
Presenter: Larry Condelli
2:15 pm Lakeside 1 Room
Abstract: Accountability models presume that requiring programs to demonstrate participant outcomes will improve program quality. This relationship holds when measures reflect program goals and includes sanctions or rewards tied to the measures. This presentation applies this model to accountability systems in adult education to assess their affect on improving program quality.
Title: On Their Own: What Are Adults Learning Online?
Presenter: Heidi Silver-Pacuilla
2:15 pm Juniper Room
Abstract: Find out what adult learners are learning online from analysis of two newly released surveys – the NAAL and the LSAL. Discuss the literacy and language demands of online learning and what it means for literacy instruction. This research was funded in part by the National Institute for Literacy.
Workshop Title: Are ABE-ESL teachers prepared to teach reading and writing to ABE-ESL students?
Presenter: Anestine Hector-Mason
4:00 pm Magnolia
Workshop Abstract: This workshop presents findings from a research project funded by the National Institutes for Literacy regarding the Preparation of ESL Instructors to Teach Reading and Writing to Adult Learners. Participants will receive information about the gaps and challenges in ABE-ESL teacher training, including teacher training in ABE-ESL reading and writing. The audience will be engaged in a discussion about the findings and about possible ways to overcome some of the challenges.
About AIR
Established in 1946, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., the American Institutes for Research (AIR) is an independent, nonpartisan not-for-profit organization that conducts behavioral and social science research on important social issues and delivers technical assistance both domestically and internationally in the areas of health, education, and workforce productivity.
About the RAND Corporation
The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit research organization providing objective analysis and effective solutions that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world.