Opening Our "Mathematical Eyes": Seeing Math in Everything We Do

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The 22nd International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics, July 12 through July 15, 2015, will showcase international perspectives related to the teaching and learning of numeracy and mathematics. AIR will host International thought leaders convening around key discussion topics:

  • Adult numeracy concepts, theories and practice
  • Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
  • Numeracy and diversity
  • Numeracy and literacy
  • Numeracy and the workforce

Keynote speakers include

Freeman A. Hrabowski, President, University of Maryland - Baltimore County

Marilyn Waite, Environmental and Sustainability Engineer, Paris, France and China

Rinske Stelwagen, Physicist, The Netherlands

Steve Hinds, Mathematics Curriculum and Professional Developer at the City Colleges of Chicago

Terry Maguire, Chair, ALM; Director, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Dublin, Ireland

Key Contacts and Information

About the Conference


Attending the conference? Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #ALMath2015.  

Event Information