Evidence Syntheses for Climate Change
On June 6, 2023, AIR held a discussion on current practices for evidence synthesis and how these practices can be used to further climate change research.
The effects of climate change are more visible every day. However, only limited rigorous evidence exists on what policies, programs, and interventions are most effective in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change.
Evidence syntheses are a powerful tool to produce collated evidence on the effectiveness of policies, programs, and interventions. However, their use is relatively new in the climate change space. Participants learned about current practices for evidence synthesis and how these practices can be used to further climate change research.
Thomas de Hoop
Managing Economist and Program Area Lead, Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition
Andrea Coombes
Senior Researcher
Jan Minx
Senior Research Fellow, Head of Project Office Berlin
Stockholm Environment Institute
Genta Konci
Science and Data Team Lead
Independent Evaluation Office, Green Climate Change