Event: Wed., May 29 – Good Jobs Without a Bachelor's Degree?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (EDT)

American Institutes for Research
1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007

Eventbrite - Good Jobs without a Bachelor's Degree?

In recent decades, a four-year college has been the traditional starting point for a career. But now with so many bachelor’s degree holders out of a job or underemployed while companies seek candidates with specific skills—is it time to rethink how we prepare future workers?

Join AIR at our headquarters to explore whether alternative paths to work—such as job certificate programs, apprenticeships, and vocational education—are a practical answer to the skills mismatch for at least some out-of-work groups. Panelists will also examine current government initiatives to close this gap, including President Obama’s Community College to Career Fund, which aims to deliver specialty job training to two million Americans. Hear our panel’s recommendations and participate in the discussion.

William H. Gary, Sr., Vice President of Workforce Development at Northern Virginia Community College
Harry Holzer, AIR Institute Fellow, Professor of Public Policy at Georgetown University
Demetra Nightingale, Chief Evaluation Officer at the U.S. Department of Labor
Dwayne Norris, Vice President of the Workforce Program at AIR

Amy Goldstein, Staff Writer at The Washington Post

Please RSVP by clicking on the "Register" button above.

A light lunch will be served shortly before the event.

Event Information