Beyond the GED: Can Adult Charters Help Close the Skills Gap?
Of the millions of adults in the U.S. without a high school degree, many lack basic literacy and numeracy skills, barring them from getting well-paid and, often, in-demand work. The GED is seen as a ticket to better employment, but is this basic credential enough in today’s complex job market? The American Institutes for Research hosted a panel discussion that explored this question. The conversation focused on adult charter schools in Washington, D.C.—the national leader with 11 such schools. Panelists discussed the challenges of setting up an adult charter school, the implications of the new GED, and the educational needs of adult learners.
Kavitha Cardoza, Special Correspondent, WAMU
Kim Ford, Dean of Development and Lifelong Learning, University of the District of Columbia
Lecester Johnson, Executive Director, Academy of Hope
Allison R. Kokkoros, Executive VP, Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
Terry Salinger, Institute Fellow, American Institutes for Research