THINKING PRO®: Accelerating Critical Thinking, Civic Efficacy, and Academic Development in High School English and Social Studies Classes

High school students discussing a project

In an era marked by the proliferation of misinformation and declining trust in democratic institutions, it is increasingly important for students to understand how to engage critically with the world around them. 

Civic efficacy is the belief someone has about their ability to participate in civic life, assume citizenship responsibilities, and make a difference.

The THINKING PRO® Curriculum Unit helps students develop crucial reading comprehension, critical thinking, and civic efficacy skills. Students learn by engaging with challenging texts from local news media and participating in text-based discussions about issues in their communities. Students also exercise their voices by developing a final project in which they research and report on a local issue that is relevant to their lives.

The THINKING PRO® Curriculum Unit

Thinking Habitats® and AIR have partnered on a grant-funded project that brings THINKING PRO® to high school English Language Arts (ELA) and Social Studies classes. Thinking Habitats® is the developer of the THINKING PRO® Curriculum Unit and will provide professional training and coaching for teachers. AIR will conduct research to evaluate the impact of the curriculum unit for students.

Interested in bringing THINKING PRO® to your school? Reach out to Melissa Yisak or schedule a meeting to learn more.

THINKING PRO® is aligned with the Common Core State Standards in ELA and the C3 Framework for Social Studies and can be adopted in high school ELA and Social Studies classes. THINKING PRO® incorporates evidence-based teaching practices aligned with the science of learning and development and recommendations from What Works Clearinghouse practice guides (see links below). It uses authentic local, regional, and national news media; and adapts to each student’s learning pace and ability level. THINKING PRO® also provides teacher supports and professional development, including instructional training, regular coaching sessions, and access to a virtual community of practice.

THINKING PRO® is now available free of charge for high school ELA and Social Studies classes, thanks to funding from an Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant from the U.S. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Between 2024 and 2028, this grant provides support for high schools to implement THINKING PRO® and participate in an evaluation of the curriculum unit’s benefits for teachers and students.

Participating teachers are receiving professional development to learn the THINKING PRO® Curriculum Unit and key practices to enhance student engagement. Over 10-12 weeks, teachers implement the curriculum unit and participate in instructional coaching sessions every three weeks. THINKING PRO® coaches will provide teachers with feedback and support teachers in setting goals to strengthen their instructional practices. Participating teachers will be eligible for four Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Priority for participation is given to schools that serve large populations of racially marginalized students or students from lower-income families.

THINKING PRO® not only aims to enhance academic performance but also to foster a generation of critical thinkers and democratically engaged citizens. The findings from this project will offer valuable insights into effective strategies for enhancing both academic and civic engagement outcomes.  

Laura Brady headshot
Senior Researcher
Laura Hamilton Headshot
Senior Director, Education Measurement and Assessment


Orrin Murray 
Melissa Yisak 
Rebecca Steingut 
Andrew Blank 
Linda Galib
Brian London
Emma Stein