American Institutes for Research – Mexico Office

En Español

For over 15 years, AIR has implemented projects in Latin America and the Caribbean region focused on education, early childhood development, youth, violence prevention, climate change, international labor and workforce development, among other areas.

Now, with an established office in Mexico City composed of widely respected experts in international and Mexican labor law and practice; technology; training; monitoring, evaluation, and learning; data analytics; communication; and institution building, among other critical areas, and in close consultation with local stakeholders, AIR is implementing international technical assistance projects in Mexico and in the region to foster a more just and equitable world.

Our Approach

At AIR, we are dedicated to effective, locally driven, and culturally competent project development and implementation. Our implementation is systematic and holistic, achieved through fully integrated, highly experienced, multidisciplinary teams of U.S.-based and in-country staff who work in close coordination and collaboration with local stakeholders and other implementers. 

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Featured Projects

Factory workers

Strengthening Government Labor Law Enforcement (SGLLE): Mexico and Honduras

Through its work with the U.S. Department of Labor, AIR is helping Mexico address its most pressing and immediate needs in the transition to the new labor justice system by supporting the government efforts to establish and operate new, more effective labor justice institutions. Similarly, in Honduras, we are supporting the labor inspectorate’s efforts to enforce Honduran labor laws more effectively, transparently, and accountably. 

Factory inspector in Mexico

Compliance Through Mexican Labor Inspections (CAMINOS)

The CAMINOS project seeks to strengthen the institutional capacity of federal and state labor inspectorates to improve labor inspections, labor law enforcement and compliance strategies, and labor inspector engagement with supply chain actors in United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement priority sectors.

Hands shaking

Enhancing Labor Conciliation (ENLACE)

Mexico’s 2017 and 2019 labor justice reforms abolish Mexico’s conciliation and arbitration boards (CABs), the ineffective, inefficient, nontransparent institutions formerly serving as the country’s main arbiter of labor justice. AIR and our partner, the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), are implementing the ILAB-funded ENLACE project to increase the effectiveness of the new labor conciliation centers at the federal level and in 16 states.


Privacy Notice

AIR, American Institutes for Research México S. de R.L. de C.V., located at Av. Ejército Nacional Mexicano 425, Oficina 702, Granada Borough, Miguel Hidalgo, P.C 11520, Ciudad de México, Mexico, is responsible for the use and protection of its personnel's personal data. RFC: AAI210617ET1. 

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N Cornet Headshot
Principal TA Consultant and Country Director, Mexico
Danny Maria Melendez
Country Director/Director País - Honduras